Lucy Goosey (Nov 2022 First Draft)
D_DKT_DKTKDKTKT_ Repeat x3, accelerating
1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
DT_DT_ Fast x3
DT_DT_ }Medium x1
DTKDTK Slow x1
12 (Bulerias)
D_ _T_ _ D_T_T_
Repeat until clapping
Wind down introducing CLAPPING off beat pattern
with stomping to keep Bulerias pattern
At cue: 1 cycle of low tone Hands low
1 cycle of half tone Hands mid
1 cycle of high tone Hands high
Alternating between each half of the group:
x2 cycles High, x2 cycles Low - back and forth a few times
Foot stomping stops, clapping continues.
Drum wind up, re-introducing the Bulerias rhythm.
D_ _ T_ _ D_ T_T_
Hiiwa ... (to be continued)